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Naming Conventions for NFO Scraping
Naming Conventions for NFO Scraping
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  • 2025-02-19 01:19:10

Naming Conventions for NFO Scraping

Movie File Naming Rules

  • Movie NFO File: [movie file name].nfo
  • Movie Poster: [movie file name]-poster.png
  • Movie Backdrop: [movie file name]-backdrop.png
  • Movie Logo: [movie file name]-logo.png
  • Movie Fanart: [movie file name]-fanart.png
  • Location: Located in the same folder as the movie file.

TV Show File Naming Rules

  • TV Show NFO File: tvshow.nfo
  • TV Show Poster: poster.png
  • TV Show Backdrop: backdrop.jpg
  • TV Show Logo: logo.png
  • TV Show Fanart: fanart.jpg
  • TV Show Season Poster: season01-poster.jpg (Name according to the actual season number)
  • TV Show Episode Thumbnail: [episode video file name]-thumb.jpg
  • Location: NFO file and fanart located in the fanart jpg folder within the TV show folder, while posters, backdrops, and logos are located in the parent folder of the TV show folder.

Scraping Tips

  1. File Extensions: Ensure all image files use the correct extensions, such as .png or .jpg.
  2. File Naming: Make sure the file names match the names in the NFO files for accurate scraping.
  3. Folder Structure: Maintain a clear folder structure so that the media server can correctly identify and scrape.
  4. Special Characters: Avoid using special characters or spaces in file names as it may cause scraping to fail.
  5. System Settings: Ensure that in the software settings, you have selected the options to "Prefer local poster images" and "Prefer NFO file media data" to prioritize the use of local media files for scraping.

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